The Cornerstone Magazine

Cornerstone Magazine, a quarterly publication of AGC NYS is a leading source of information within the New York Construction Industry.

This timely publication carries highly informative, thought-provoking and authoritative articles covering such subjects as safety; legal and tax issues; new technology and materials; as well as updates on association and members’ activities. Many issues profile a different member, giving the reader a true feel for what that firm does.

The magazine delivers significantly greater coverage of the New York construction industry than any other publication.


Click here to go to an archive page of past issues


The Cornerstone’s circulation includes approximately 3,000 specifically targeted mailings per issue.

As an advertiser, you can be assured that your ad will be placed in the hands of hundreds of construction business owners who are the top decision makers in the New York’s construction market.


Ad copy should be in 300 DPI and CMYK color if possible.  Formats accepts include PDF, PSD, JPEG, TIFF or EPS. Please do not submit Bitmapped images. Special ad locations will be accommodated whenever possible. Single-color ads, four-color ads, bleeds, etc., are available at additional costs. Please contact Brooke Milos, Director of Communications, for more information, Ad agencies: all prices are net.


All insertion orders, questions and artwork should be addressed to:
Brooke Milos

Phone: 518-456-1134
